Newsletter Fall 2020

CRA Newsletter Fall 2020 Dear Sisters and Brothers, Little did we know when your executive met last January that our fall meeting would be conducted online rather than face-to-face. Happily we are all managing to keep well in our new reality and hope the same is true for you. Report on benefits for over-65s Last year CRA contracted retired CUPE researcher Cheryl Stadnichuk to prepare a report looking at how provincial health services — and specifically drug plans — affect the benefits of CUPE retirees once they turn 65.

CRA Newsletter March 2020

Translations: FR
CRA Newsletter March 2020 Dear CUPE Retiree, With winter travel underway and school breaks in many parts of the country, we want to ensure that you have received the latest information from Green Shield Canada related to the coronavirus (COVID-19). While many of you have received this information directly, we have found that many others are not receiving communiqués from Green Shield. Please note the information on early refills of prescriptions in particular.